Armin zoekt een Huurwoning / Appartement / Kamer / Studio in Zwolle

Armin zoekt: Een Huurwoning / Appartement / Kamer / Studio in Zwolle

  • Huurwoning / Appartement / Kamer / Studio
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Man
  • 10 Per direct

Hello! My name is Armin, an Iranian architecture student currently studying in Rome. I'm excited to announce that I will be coming to the Netherlands as an exchange student. With over ten years of experience living independently, I am clean, responsible, and social. I also love to cook and can prepare delicious Persian dishes. As I don't know anyone in the Netherlands yet, I'm looking forward to finding a welcoming student house where I can share great times and meals with new friends.

Algemene informatie: Armin
  Man, 28 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Architecture (UNIVERSITEIT)
  Lid van Windesheim University en Architecture